Canon Pixma CD Printing – Printing Full Face Labels

We have had a few customers who have purchased the Canon Pixma range of printers with CD printing facilities that are having problems working out how to set the hole diameters for printing full face CD/DVD labels. It’s really easy when you know how!

Follow the steps below and your problems will be solved.

To change the diameter of either the outer or inner circle size in CD-Label Print , simply follow these easy steps:
1. Open the Canon CD-Label Print software.
2. Select File and locate where it says Select Paper
3. The Paper Selection dialogue box will then open
4. Select “New” the Add/Edit User Defined appears in which you will see two adjustment sizes, one for the outer circle size and one for the inner circle size.
5. Simply set your required sizes here.
6. Title your new label and click the OK/Save button.
7. Finally, make sure you click on your new label in the list to highlight it, before you exit the Paper Selection dialogue box.
8. The CD-Label Print software will automatically open your new label for future printing.

If you wish to create a new label, simply repeat the steps above.

Problem solved, Happy Printing!

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