How to Clear a Printers Memory

If you come across a cartridge non recognition issue, it is worth trying the following “printer memory clear” procedure before throwing the cartridge away.

There are many reasons for cartridges not recognising, the most common being incorrect firmware recognition or incompatible cartridge chip to printer firmware.

A complicated subject and when you add to that the fact that printer manufacturers or their agents update firmware over the internet, it can create many issues for printer owners.

Lets just say that the following is worth a try to “un-confuse” a printer when you get a not “recognised cartridge”

How to re-set a printers memory

1) Remove all cartridges from the printer whilst it is powered on
2) after cartridge removal, turn power switch off from the printer
3) After the printer has powered down, remove the power lead from the printer
4) leave the power lead out for 5 minutes
5) After 5 minutes, re insert the power lead
6) turn on the printer at the on/off switch button
7) insert cartridges one at a time

This should re-set the memory and will clear many of the cartridge recognition issues that customers can have.

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