Why Use Proofing Paper when Edible Printing?

HobbyPrint® has recently started including a 10-sheet complimentary pack of proofing paper with our edible printer bundles. Customers are asking us why.

What are Proofing Sheets?

HobbyPrint®Proofing Sheets are high-quality printable sheets that let users pre-print designs to check that the design is ok and prints as expected. The print quality on our proofing sheets will be representative of the print quality on the more expensive edible papers.

Reduce the cost of misprinted expensive Icing Sheets

HobbyPrint® proofing paper is low-cost per sheet and printable Icing sheets are expensive per sheet. Using proofing sheets is a sensible and cost-effective choice and prevents wasting expensive icing sheets, through misprints. Customers can layout their designs and print them on the proofing paper and if ok, the design can be printed confidently onto an icing sheet.

Using pre-cut icing sheets, pre-printing on proofing sheets becomes very relevant by allowing customers to check print alignment to the pre-cut sheets. Using a part of an icing sheet for a smaller print design, lets customers check the position of the small design on the proofing paper.

To summarise – Printing a design onto our proofing paper, allows customers to see what they are going to print, and the alignment, on a more expensive icing sheet.

As stated, HobbyPrint® supplies a 10-sheet complimentary pack with any edible printing bundle. 50- sheet or 100-sheet packs are available from our hobbyprint.co.uk store. Go Here!

How to Use HobbyPrint® Proofing Papers

Using HobbyPrint® proofing paper is easy. Simply place a sheet in the printing tray and use the print settings below:

Set the Print Quality to Standard or High
Set the Paper Type to Matte Coated or Gloss

That’s it, just print the proofing sheet out and if it looks good, proceed to print the image on the icing sheet. If you are not happy with the proofing print, adjust it to your requirements.

Watch our “Why to”, “How to” & “When to” use HobbyPrint®Proofing Sheets video.

The video takes you through: Watch Here!

  • Printing a design on a HobbyPrint® proofing sheet and the quality.
  • Printing the same design on a lower-quality paper and the settings
  • Printing the design onto an icing sheet and comparing it to both papers
  • Positioning a design to print onto a partially used Icing Sheet
  • Positioning a design to print onto a Pre-Cut Icing Sheet

Thanks for your interest in this post and if you have any questions or thoughts on the content we would be pleased to hear from you: Telephone No is 01430 284112 & our Email is info@hobbyprint.co.uk

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